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Setup Builder

Setup Builder Installer for Windows


"Setup Builder Installer for Windows"
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Setup Builder, easy to use, reliable and cost-effective, powerful, cost-effective as a comprehensive, professional looking application installation procedures to create a solution.
Fully automated with optional components. The usual setup tool features and much more arms!
Supports ODBC, OLE, VB5, VB6, sound and software licensing protection. Multilingual. Single file for your own web-extracting executable distribution.
If you want performance and flexibility which performs all other products, then this is yours!
Application Builder tool to establish Features

<br> Setup projects which files can be added / removed

Creating automated installation disks, floppy disks (including compressed files also) large files between

Auto division

Auto-installation process to create installation command code br>

Automatic creation of files should not be removed do not go!

Ability for a user routine installation location 'user' defined code if necessary

Windows tool bar and status bar hosted IDE

All files can have attributes set: target location on the / version controls, in the use of checks,

Skills Program to create


as an installation (Professional Edition) and 2048 files, shortcuts and folder icons to create a setup script file compression, etc.

Optional encryption (so that the users) can not change them

Context sensitive, comprehensive Windows Help file

Network project files locking

Visual Basic. VBP project import facility (VB4 (32 bit), 5 and 6) the reader. DEP files

3. VB runtime-party product import facility, such as Access, etc. (Adjustable)

Skills used in all the dialogues an installation (also allows different languages - by default in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch and Portuguese)

To change the text of a single language or multi-language automatic installations
You can create ... Now you can free download Setup Builder 6.04.

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